It is important to get to know black lava stone for exterior-interior projects. For your information, people also call this stone Pedra Hitam preta. It belongs to the most popular stone. In fact, Borobudur Temple, the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, used this stone as its material. Even more other temples such as Mendut, Prambanan, etc. also use this stone.
We know that black lava stone looks unique with small porosity. That’s why people also call it Batu Candi. Today, many people use it for pool tiles. This kind of stone has great benefits. In fact, it absorbs the hot during the day. So, the water in the swimming pool becomes warm in the night. It is because the stone releases the hot temperature when the outside temperature is cold.
This stone is not only unique & elegant. However, it is also strong. That’s why temple that uses this stone still stay strong after centuries as long as there’s no natural damage. Because of that, many people want to use this stone for their interior and exterior projects. Here, you can find a trustworthy natural stone supplier.
Get to Know Black Lava Stone for Exterior-Interior Projects Ideas

To get to know black lava stone for exterior-interior projects, you can see the following ideas. Basically, it you can apply it for interior and exterior.
1. Exterior
For exterior, one of the best ideas is to use black lava stone for pool tiles. Even more, this is the most popular idea. So, you can follow this idea, too. However, you may apply this stone for other areas outside your home.
2. Interior
If you want to get to know black lava stone for exterior-interior projects, you must be careful because it has a dark color. For example, you can make your home interior wall look more natural and aesthetic with black lava stone. If you are interested in this idea, you can apply it for your living room, bathroom, or other rooms.
before you decide to buy it, you need to know that this stone comes in 3 finishes. They include sawn cut and honed, bush hammered, as well as split face. Actually, there are many types of lava stone in Indonesia. However, black lava stone is the most interesting one because of its naturally beautiful look. Since it comes in different styles, textures, and colors, you can choose your desired option for your home décor.
How to Purchase Black Lava Stone
After you get to know black lava stone for exterior-interior projects, now you can order or purchase it. Stone Depot Indonesia is the right place to get it. To stay in touch with them, you can directly visit their factory and warehouse in Lengkong Wetan village, Rajagaluh, Majalengka, West Java.
You can contact us at: 813-9283-8231 (WhatsApp), [email protected] (Email), +62 231 8491546 (Fax), +62 231 8802888 (Phone). If you want get to know black lava stone for exterior-interior projects, just feel free to ask anything related to this stone to the Stone Depot’s customer service or admin via WhatsApp or email.